Fire Damage Restoration Tips For Your St. George Home

fire damage restoration st george

fire damage restoration st georgeA residential fire can be disastrous to those who are involved in it. If you find yourself in such a situation, it is important to know what you need to do to protect what you have. Even a tiny mistake could result in significant damage or, worse, injury to you or your family. The most crucial thing is that restoration and cleanup should be left to experts. However, following a fire, the property owner can take a few important precautions. Here are fire restoration tips below to understand what to do after a fire damage accident.

Fire Damage Restoration in St George

Do Not Enter Your Home Unless You Are Sure It Is Safe

If your house catches fire, gather your family and evacuate. For whatever reason, do not re-enter the property. Your possessions can be replaced, but not your life. Once the fire has been put out, the firefighters will inspect the property for any structural problems that could make re-entering the house unsafe, and they will inform you if it is safe to do so. You should only enter a fire-damaged house after getting confirmation from the fire service.

Turn Off the HVAC System

If your HVAC unit is not already turned off when you re-enter the house, it is a great idea to do it as soon as possible. Leaving forced air to flow continuously around your home will distribute soot from the fire around your property, causing even more damage. To help minimize the spread of smoke and soot, replace your HVAC filters as quickly as possible if it is safe to do so.

Document the Losses

It is imperative to properly document the damages to your house if you intend to file claims with your property owner’s insurance. Take pictures, record videos, jot down the details and what was damaged, whatever you do, ensure you record everything. When filing a fire damage repair reimbursement claim, you will need to include all this information.

Contact Your Insurance Provider

Contact your insurance company as soon as possible after the disaster for advice on what to do next. Your insurance company will help you through the procedure. Gather all receipts for any damages or expenses incurred as a result of the fire, since this will speed up your recovery.

Remove Undamaged Items

When you get the go-ahead to enter your house again, make a list of all the things that survived the ordeal and evacuate them if possible. After the first cleaning phase, which is fire damage and water damage cleanup, you will likely be able to determine which items are destroyed and which are not. However, just because your house is clean does not imply it is ready to move in. There are still some procedures to take to get your household back to normal.

Call The Experts

If your property suffers a fire, let our experts at Ally1 Disaster Solutions assist you in picking up the pieces. When your house has been damaged by fire or smoke, our qualified and professional specialists respond 24/7. Ally1 Disaster Solutions will help in repairing and restoring the damage and working to save valuable photographs, heirlooms, and personal items. Contact us today!

