What is Mold and What Dangers Does it Pose?
It’s usually taken at face value that mold shouldn’t be in your house, and if it’s found it needs to be removed. But do you know the reason behind these words or warning? What exactly is so harmful about it, and how does mold affect your health?
Before we dive into the health issues mold can pose, what exactly is mold? Mold is micro-organisms that are decomposers of dead material such as plants. Mold requires moisture to grow, if you can stop the source of the moisture, then you can help stop the growth of mold. When there is a lot of mold growing on a surface, it often appears to be blue, green, or black. The color of the mold is determined by the type and the influence by the source of the nutrient. Mold can grow where there is any kind of dampness in your home. This microorganism can grow on wood, food, paper, walls, or even insulation. One of the reasons molds can be so dangerous is that usually, it is invisible to the naked eye. It isn’t always visible so, in order to recognize that you might have mold, you need to pay attention to other hints. The biggest is the smell. Mold carries an unmistakable musty odor even if it isn’t able to be seen. Trust your nose! Not only can mold effect the material it grows on, it can also cause affect your health. Because mold is made up of hundreds of tiny spores, it becomes very easy to inhale these spores which can pose some health risks.
Common Symptoms
Usually, healthy adults without any hypersensitivity to mold can still experience cold-like symptoms when exposed to mold for long periods of time. Congestion, eye irritation, wheezing, and skin irritation are all normal reactions to mold. People who are hypersensitive to mold can experience fever and shortness of breath. Anyone who suffers from asthma is at risk of an asthma attack and other symptoms of that condition.
Development of Asthma
Mold is especially dangerous to small children. Since their respiratory systems are still developing and more susceptible to environmental hazards, mold in the home can lead to the development of asthma in children with a genetic predisposition to the condition. If you are expecting, or worry that their might be mold in your home already, don’t hesitate to call a mold inspector. They will know where to look and how to proceed if mold is found.
Have Mold Removed
At the very first sign of mold a professional, such as Ally1 needs to be called into totally remove the problem. Bleach is not enough to thoroughly remove mold because it will only kill what is on the surface. Usually, if you can see it, that means it probably goes way beyond the surface and needs to be removed from the root of the problem. Black mold isn’t the only dangerous type of mold, so keep an eye out for all types of mold and call a professional, like Ally1 Disaster Solutions, if you notice any of the signs of mold. You are always better off safe than sorry!